new arcadia: stage one

Mumble Media worked on post-production for New Arcadia: Stage One.

It's 2023, and life is not great. Time to go back to 199X. John Chambers is pushing 40. Stuck in his home. Trapped in a dead-end job. Like the great romantic poet Eddie Money, he wants to go back and do it all over. Now, he can. In the virtual world of New Arcadia, John becomes "Blaze". Twenty-two years old. Incredible speed and strength. Absolutely zero back pain. On the mean streets of this new retro city, Blaze must use his fists, his wits, and his pager to survive. Only he can save the city. But he has to team up with a gang of other loners to do it. Meanwhile, outside the game pods, New Arcadia's creators race to save the real world. They all have only one more chance to get this right. If you like Ready Player One and if you were alive in the '90s or know someone who was, then you'll love this adventure. Get it now.